Tuesday 3 July 2012

Staff News

We're sorry to report that Philip has left us. He was part time, doing mainly evening shifts after his day job as an ambulance driver. Also moving on is Lauren who was weekend kitchen assistant. We've been lucky to find Kayleigh and Michelle on the care side and more recently Martin and Carla have joined us. Kayleigh, Martin  and Carla are all experienced carers and Michelle is picking it up fast. Hannah, Julie's (housekeeper) daughter is now also an apprentice carer. We hope they will all be very happy at Woodspring House.

Following a review of the recent questionnaires sent to family and friends and discussions with the carers, we are looking to increase the staff to resident ratio to 1 carer for every 4 residents throughout the day. We feel this will help enable us to become the outstanding home we want to be. Should the worst happen and a carer rings in sick at short notice there will still be ample carers to provide a good service.